A vivid painting contrasting performance marketing's dynamic energy with brand marketing's timeless elegance, capturing their distinct approaches

Brand and Performance Marketing: The Surprising BFFs of Business Growth

Đăng: 28 tháng 4, 2023

Alright, let’s talk about the supposed rivalry between brand and performance marketing. You know the story—performance ads are the “go-to” for fast results, measurable ROI, and those shiny, short-term metrics that make everyone feel like rockstars. Brand marketing, on the other hand, is like the dependable old friend who plays the long game, quietly building up influence and loyalty over time. But the new study from Tracksuit and TikTok? It’s proof that these two aren’t actually enemies—they’re BFFs that work better together.

An artistic representation of performance and brand marketing, blending bold numbers and elegant script to show their intertwined, yet contrasting, approaches
Performance vs Brand - The Frenemy Showdown

Brand vs. Performance: The Frenemy Showdown

It’s been drilled into us that performance is for the “now,” and brand is for “later”—and with a limited budget, guess who usually wins? The quick wins. Performance gets the funds because it shows up with receipts: clicks, leads, conversions. Brand, meanwhile, gets the “maybe next quarter” treatment.

But here’s the twist: focusing only on performance is like trying to make friends without ever introducing yourself. You might get some attention, but in the long run, no one remembers who you are. That’s where brand comes in. And according to this study, a strong brand makes those performance campaigns even stronger.

The Tracksuit x TikTok “Awareness Advantage” – A Marketing Plot Twist

This isn’t just another piece of fluff about brand marketing. The study shows that higher brand awareness translates into better performance results on TikTok. When brand awareness is high, ad conversion rates go up. Think of brand as the foundation that makes every performance dollar work harder.

Here are some big takeaways:

  • More Awareness = Higher Conversions
    The study reveals that a brand known by four out of ten consumers is 43% more effective in driving conversions than a brand known by only three out of ten. That’s not just a feel-good stat—that’s an invitation to rethink what’s really driving your business growth.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) Isn’t King
    We’ve been told that CTR is the holy grail of performance. But Tracksuit and TikTok bust that myth: brand awareness and CTR aren’t directly linked. Instead, awareness boosts conversion rates in ways that aren’t always visible in the click stats.

  • The Awareness Baseline
    The study even offers a target level of brand awareness for performance success, which is a huge win for marketers who need data to back up their brand campaigns.

Why Brand and Performance Are Stronger Together

Let’s be real. Dividing brand and performance hurts the whole business. When teams are stuck in this turf war, everyone loses. James Hurman, Co-Founder of Tracksuit, says it best:

“While performance and brand marketing have different and equally important roles to play, better business outcomes are achieved when they work together toward shared goals.”

This isn’t about compromising; it’s about amplifying. Brand and performance aren’t in competition—they’re complementary forces.

My Take: The “BFF Mindset” in Marketing

This study drives home what I’ve been saying for years: stop putting brand and performance in separate silos. Think of brand as the personality that keeps your audience interested long after the ad fades, and performance as the nudge that turns that interest into action. One without the other is like having a peanut butter sandwich without the jelly—it just doesn’t hit the same.

So next time you’re planning your budget, don’t think in “either/or.” Think of the brand and performance team-up as the ultimate power move. When brand sets the stage, performance gets the applause, and the business gets the win.

Want more on this dynamic duo? Check out the full Tracksuit x TikTok Awareness Advantage study to see how brand and performance can go from rivals to best friends for life.

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